Friday, August 24, 2007

August 27, 2007

Well, the doctor has decided to induce me on Monday. I am very excited! However, he is skeptical whether or not little Mr. Schubert will be able to come out on his own. The Dr. only plans to let me go a few hours to determine if he will "fit". If I haven't had him by mid-afternoon on Monday, he plans to do a C-section. So, in summary, I go to the hospital Sunday night and by Monday night should be holding my son! I can't wait to meet him!

Friday, August 17, 2007

37 Weeks....

Yeah, so i look like a buffalo, but not for much longer!!!! We are both doing okay. Heath is wonderful...and I'm surviving! I didn't know the female human body could stretch like this!!!!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Coming Soon

Well, I am now 34 1/2 weeks pregnant and I feel like a whale. Heath is doing fabulously. We had a small scare last week when I had some really close contractions. The Dr. sent me in to the hospital "just in case", but Heath was a no-show. He has dropped and is ready to come. The doctor just wants me to take it easy for 1 and a half more weeks. After that, he is fine if Heath comes. Brad and I are so ready to meet our little Schubert!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

My Son's Cramped Quarters

My ultrasound went well today. My cervix is doing fine, just a little soft, but it doesn't seem like they are too worried. Heath is adorable!! Here is a picture of his head and, as you can see, his foot is touching his head. He's head down, but squished enough to have to fold in half. Poor kid!!! We got another picture confirming he's a little boy, but since it is even more blatant than the last one, Brad refused to let me post it. He said that later on in life Heath would hate me for posting such embarrasing shots of himself. Oh, well. I thought it was cute. He weighs 4 pounds and will be 32 weeks on Saturday. Seeing him today made me even more ready to hold him!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Heath Update

Just thought I'd give everyone an update. At my last appt. they found that my cervix is a WHOLE lot softer than it should be right now. I have an ultrasound tomorrow to measure it and determine how fast my body is preparing for labor (I'm excited to see Heath!). Then we may have to go the bedrest route or meds to make it slow down. He is almost 32 weeks, but that's still too early to make his big debut!

Oh well, I'll keep everyone posted after the ultrasound tomorrow.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

30 Weeks and Counting....

Okay, so here I am at 30 weeks. I am growing width wise, but thankfully have still only put on 7lbs since getting pregnant (thanks to losing about 15lbs in my first trimester). I am so big I can barely see my toes when standing...okay, so I have to lean over to see them!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Prego Update

Well, I had a dr.'s appt yesterday and Heath is still perfect. He measures perfect, his heartrate is perfect, and well....he's just all aroung PERFECT! I have had a lot of swelling (mostly due to the heat), but we are both doing extremely well. Praise the Lord!

Karyn tagged me!!

Rules"After posting these rules, each player then lists random facts/habits about herself/himself, then chooses several people to "tag". The player will then list the names of those he/she tags and leaves a comment on their blog.

  • I have a goldfish named Jonah who likes to snack on other fish in his tank. He just polished off our last one. Now he's an 'only fish'.
  • I like to drink smoothies before bed.
  • My husband has 3 official jobs.
  • My belly measures 11inches from top to bottom (Heath included).
  • I eat Wendy's chicken nuggets 3 times a week.
  • I love to go to Home Depot.

There, I did it. I tag Christina and Becka.